About the project
Located on the western edge of El Paso County’s Bear Creek Regional Park, Bear Creek Cañon Park is owned and maintained by the City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department. This park provides regional connectivity to Red Rock Canyon Open Space, North Cheyenne Cañon Park via Gold Camp Road, High Drive and to U.S. Forest Service lands.
In compliance with the City of Colorado Springs Park System Master Plan (page 68) the city completed work in Bear Creek Cañon Park to improve trail sustainability, user safety and wildlife habitat. The project included addressing damage to existing trail, re-routing unsustainable trail that could not be improved within existing trail corridor, and enhancing the user experience while maintaining the overall character of the trails.
In collaboration with El Paso County Parks and Community Services, these improvements now provide increased trail accessibility through Bear Creek Cañon Park for the Trailability Program at Bear Creek Nature Center that utilizes “Terrain Hoppers” or off-road mobility vehicles allowing those with disabilities to experience trails previously inaccessible to them.

Trail Improvements
Gold Camp Road Connector Trail
Prior to the improvement project, due to steep, unsustainable and washed-out trail surface, the Bear Creek Nature Center “Terrain-hoppers” were forced to turn around at the El Paso County/City of Colorado Springs park boundary. Improvements included widening the trail and re-routing unsustainable areas to create a more equitable trail surface while preserving meadow habitat.
This trail now serves as the universally accessible trail designed to accommodate off-road mobility vehicles allowing those with disabilities to experience trails previously inaccessible from Bear Creek Nature Center through Bear Creek Cañon Park to Gold Camp Road.
Trail System Rating: Beginner/Green
Bear Creek Road Connector Trail
This trail connects the large meadow in Bear Creek Cañon Park to Bear Creek Road Pull Off #1. Two reroutes to this trail were created to make it more sustainable.
Trail System Rating: Intermediate/Blue
Section 16 Connector Trail
This trail was rerouted to create a sustainable connection between Lower Gold Camp Road and the Section 16 parking lot and Bear Creek Road.
Trail System Rating: Intermediate/Blue
Stephanie’s Trail
Stephanie’s Trail is a favored trail for advanced mountain bikers. This trail provides connectivity from Bear Creek Regional Park to Red Rock Canyon Open Space and Section 16. This trail will remain as is and is not a part of the project.
Trail System Rating: Difficult/Black