Alternative commuting options
Metro Rides is the rideshare and alternative transportation organization for the Pikes Peak area offering a variety of alternative transportation options including vanpool, carpool, biking programs, and more. Using multimodal forms of transportation can be less stressful, save you money, and contribute to clean air and better health.

Mountain Metro Rides Vanpool service is a smart choice for groups of commuters who live and work near each other. Passengers share the ride and pay a low monthly fare for a minivan seating up to 6, or a full-size van seating up to 10 people. All fuel, maintenance, and insurance are included.

Mountain Metro Rides offers free, automated matching for Schoolpool. When you sign up, you’ll find possible schoolpool partners who live near you and are also looking for partners to share rides to school for their children.

Mountain Metro Rides now offers free, automated carpool matching through RIDEPRO, our online ride-matching database! It only takes a few minutes to register and it's completely FREE.

There are several conveniently located Park-n-Ride lots to help make your commute a breeze. All Park-n-Ride lots in the Colorado Springs area have a 72 hour parking limit.
Tax Subsidies
Employees can reduce their commuting costs by 40%!
Employers can save an average of approximately 8% on payroll taxes!
Government employees can commute for free!
Federal tax law allows employees to reduce their commuting costs by up to 40%, while helping employers save 10% or more on payroll taxes. All employees can use tax-free dollars to pay for their commuting expenses. The maximum tax-free discount that can be provided to each employee for transit is $255 per month and $250 per month for parking.
Colorado HB22-1025 Alternative Transportation Options Tax Credit
For tax year 2024, the State of Colorado will provide a refundable tax credit for employer expenses related to providing alternative transportation options to employees (up to $2,000 per employee). Organizations can claim a credit on 50% of their spending for employees up to a limit of $250,000/year. The maximum tax credit that a business could receive is $125,000/year (50% of 250,000).
The tax credit’s purposes are to increase the use of alternative transportation, reduce traffic congestion, and improve state air quality.
Expenses covered include:
- Transit
- Carpool
- Biking
- Vanpool
- Administrative Expenses
Why participate?
In addition to being good for the environment, it’s good for your business too. Attract and retain the best employees. Surveys show people want to work for employers that support commute options! Improve productivity, health, and morale. Position your brand as eco-friendly.
How to Start?
Call our Metro Rides Coordinator to learn more about qualifications and how to apply for the tax credit.
Call: 719.385.7433
More Information
Commuter Benefit Solutions
Commuter benefits can add to some serious tax savings. You save money on taxes every month you participate, which means more money in your pocket each month. Edenred Benefits will work with companies to determine commuting needs and customize a commuter benefit program that is a perfect fit.
Web: Edenred Benefits site
Phone: 888-235-9223
Employees use TranBen vouchers every day throughout the country to buy fares and passes for public transportation, including train, bus, vanpool and ferry services. TranBen's parking vouchers are used by employees to pay for work-related parking expenses, and their bicycle vouchers are an excellent method of providing employees with the tax-free bicycle benefit incentive.
Web: TranBen website
Phone: 877-587-6236
The U.S. Department of Transportation has introduced an effective and cost-efficient way for government employees to receive their monthly transit benefit through the use of a federal debit card. The transit benefit program encourages federal government employees to choose commuting options that improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion as opposed to using single-occupant vehicles.
Web: TranServe site
Army Mass Transportation Benefit Program
The Mass Transportation Benefit Program (MTBP) provides reimbursement for mass transit commuting costs in order to reduce Federal employees' contribution to traffic congestion and air pollution and to expand their commuting alternatives. MTBP is available for all Army employees - military, civilian, and NAF.
Web: Washington Headquarters Service Mass Transit Benefit Program
Phone: (571) 256-0962