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Public Works
2015: Corridor Concept Development

 Selection of the preferred alternative. 

2016: Preliminary and Final Design

Goals were to define right-of-way easement impacts and project costs, to refine design and develop construction documents

Late 2016:  Final Design

Obtain feedback from the preliminary design and evolve into further design advancement of preferred alternative. 
Goal of this phase: Refine design and develop construction documents

2017: Phase 1 Construction

The project has been divided into three construction phases to align with the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) project prioritization and funding availability schedule.

Fall 2021-2022: Phase 2 Construction

The construction of the Centennial Boulevard roadway extension from Van Buren Street to Interstate-25. The road extension includes earthwork, utility and drainage infrastructure, and roadway paving, curbing, pedestrian facilities, lighting, and landscaping for that segment.

A ribbon cutting event Oct. 28 officially opened and connected the Centennial Boulevard extension from Fillmore to Chestnut streets.

2023: Phase 3 Construction

Work will continue beginning in March under I-25, along with the opening of access to Legacy Loop with reconstruction of the railroad bridge. 

Project completion Spring 2024

Traffic Impacts