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(Video transcript at bottom of page)

The City of Colorado Springs is inviting the community to take part in a series of digital public meetings to discuss potential options for redrawing the Colorado Springs City Council districts.

Colorado Springs is split up into six City Council Districts, each with an elected councilperson to represent the people living there. 

Every four years the City Clerk is required to adjust the boundaries of the six districts to make sure that they remain roughly the same size in population as the city grows. That process is taking place right now, and the City Clerk and the District Process Advisory Committee need your input.

The 2016 district map is being updated to reflect four redistricting possibilities. The goals are to ensure the districts have roughly equal population, are contiguous, are representative of their respective populations, and comply with all applicable laws. There are four different options, with pros and cons for each.

We need your feedback about the proposed changes. By participating in the redistricting process, you are helping ensure that the City Council boundaries are fair and equitable.

There are several ways to give your feedback, including a series of public meetings. The meetings will take place online over the next couple of weeks. You can find the list of public meetings, proposed changes, and other ways to participate when you go to ColoradoSprings.Gov/Redistricting

The community’s input will inform the work of the District Process Advisory Committee (DPAC) and City Clerk as they set the new boundaries for City Council districts.


Video Trascript

The Colorado Springs City Charter requires the city clerk to redraw the six council district boundaries every four years. And it's time once again to take a look.

The districts are to be substantially equal in population, contiguous, and comply with federal state and local laws.

Public meetings are happening this summer. And you can find a complete list of dates and locations by visiting ColoradoSprings.Gov/Redistricting.

Our city clerk will release a preliminary district report by October 1st, conduct a public hearing on that report, gather citizen comments, and then prepare a final draft in November.

We hop you can share your input during this process.


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