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ConnectCOS is the first city-wide multimodal transportation planning effort in two decade. It assesses Colorado Spring’s current transportation system and develops recommendations for ensuring an efficient, accessible, safe, and well-connected network for people who drive, walk, bike and take public transit. It is a blueprint to help guide the future projects.  

Approved by City Council on March 16, 2023, ConnectCOS explores how transportation investments can help the City realize the vision developed from PlanCOS, the City’s comprehensive plan. It also establishes six community-supported goals: safe, equitable, sustainable, efficiently reliable, accessible and connected.

The plan also provides an in-depth assessment of the state of Colorado Springs’ transportation system based on technical analysis and input from the public. It reflects more than 50 meetings with the public, elected officials, boards and committees; more than 2,500 unique comments and survey responses; and more than three years of technical analysis and plan development.

For a community to thrive and to grow it needs an effective muti-modal transportation system. Transportation infrastructure provides access to education, healthcare, and recreation, and it allows people to get to and from work to support their families. In order to do so, a strategic approach is necessary. An approach that reinforces the land use vision and the physical development of our city.

ConnectCOS will help ensure that our transportation priorities allow the City to attract and retain residents of all generations with a well-connected city and a strong economy for everyone.