The reason the 9-volt battery can be dangerous is that the positive and negative posts are close together. If a metal object touches the two posts of the battery, it can cause a short circuit making enough heat to start a fire.
It is unsafe to store 9-volt batteries in a drawer near paper clips, coins, pens, or other batteries. Do not store common household items such as steel wool, aluminum foil, and key near 9-volt batteries. If these items touch the two posts, there is a greater risk of a fire starting. Weak batteries may have enough charge to cause a fire. Some fires have started in the trash when 9-volt batteries were thrown away with other metal items.
Safety Tip:
Check your junk drawers to make sure you are storing all of your batteries properly to avoid a fire in your home.
Action Steps You Can Take:
Storing Batteries
- Keep batteries in original packaging until you are ready to use them.
- If loose, keep the posts covered with masking, duct, or electrical tape. Prevent the posts from coming in contact with metal objects.
- Keep them someplace safe where they won’t be tossed around.
- Store batteries standing up.
- 9-volt batteries should not be stored loose in a drawer.
- Do not store them in containers with other batteries.
Proper Disposal
- 9-volt batteries should not be thrown away with trash. They can come in contact with other batteries or pieces of metal.
- 9-volt batteries can be taken to a collection site for household hazardous waste.
- To be safe, cover the positive and negative posts with masking, duct, or electrical tape before getting rid of batteries.
You can download and print this 9-Volt Battery Safety Flyer.