Rulemaking/Revision Notice – Amendments to the Rules and Regulations for Marijuana Licensing
Pursuant to City Code §2.2.103(B), the Local Licensing Authority is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations including those governing the processing of marijuana license applications, the administration of licenses, and the conduct of hearings on marijuana business licensing matters.
In concert with both the pending City Marijuana License Code revisions with Marijuana Business Fee Schedule updates (available on the City Council agenda posted at, the proposed amendments to the Regulated Marijuana Rules and Regulations for the City of Colorado Springs have been posted for public comment.
Written public comments regarding the Regulated Marijuana Rules and Regulations for the City of Colorado Springs should be directed to the City Clerk’s Office via mail, email, fax, or in person by 5:00 P.M. Monday, February 3, 2025.
Under the terms of the recent voter-initiated ordinance (Question 300), beginning February 10, 2025 an existing City licensed medical marijuana (MMJ) business in good standing may apply for a City retail marijuana (RMJ) business license of the same type at the existing MMJ licensed location under specific eligibility criteria. The application form to add an RMJ license to an existing MMJ licensed location is available in the application grid below, which can be completed and submitted to the City Clerk’s Office with the required non-refundable fee beginning February 10, 2025. The City Clerk’s Office cannot accept any applications or payments prior to February 10, 2025.
An eligible MMJ licensee has three options regarding adding an RMJ license:
- An eligible applicant/licensee may add an RMJ license to co-locate its operations as both their existing MMJ and eligible new RMJ operations in the same licensed location and be considered one licensed location for the purposes of the cumulative cap on licensed marijuana locations.
- An existing MMJ licensee may elect to surrender its existing MMJ license(s) for the existing location conditioned on approval of eligible new RMJ business license(s) at the existing licensed location, however it is important to note that if an MMJ store/center license is surrendered there would be no opportunity to replace or re-apply for an MMJ store license in the future pursuant to City Code §2.2.104(D).
- An existing MMJ licensee may remain an MMJ only licensed facility without adding an RMJ license.
Pursuant to City Council Resolution 02-25, the updated Marijuana Business Fee Schedule becomes effective on February 1, 2025. Any Marijuana Business applications, including MMJ renewal applications, received after that date will require payment of the new effective fee.
Regulated Marijuana Info and Links
- MMJ Business License Code Ordinance 17-28 (MMJ location cap and Testing Facility licensing, effective 5/25/2017)
- City Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Business License Code (includes Ord. 17-28 amendments)
- City Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Rules and Regulations (effective 7/24/2017)
- City General Business License Code
- City Clerk Hours of Operation and Contact Information
Other Regulated Marijuana Links
Important Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Licensing Notices
The City of Colorado Springs moratorium on new Medical Marijuana (MMJ) license and Change of Location applications expires on May 25, 2017.
At the March 28, 2017 City Council meeting, the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs passed the final reading of a Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Licensed Location Cap Ordinance 17-28. In summary, this ordinance contains the following new provisions which will become effective on May 25, 2017:
- The City of Colorado Springs cannot accept any new Medical Marijuana Center (MMC) applications.
- Creates a “cumulative cap on licensed MMJ locations:”
- New Medical Marijuana Optional Premises Cultivation (OPC) license and Medical Marijuana Infused Product Manufacturer (MIP) license applications can only be accepted if the requested new license type(s) will be located in an existing MMJ licensed and appropriately zoned facility with 100% common ownership (cannot create an additional location).
- MMJ Change of Location applications for all three license types (MMC, OPC, and MIP) can only be accepted if the requested change of location does not create an additional location. One of the following conditions must apply:
- All Medical Marijuana establishment licenses at the prior location also change location to the same appropriately zoned new location; or
- The Medical Marijuana establishment license(s) will change location to an existing MMJ licensed and appropriately zoned facility with 100% common ownership; or
- All remaining Medical Marijuana establishment licenses at the prior location are surrendered.
- Surrender or Revocation of any existing MMJ license(s) does not create any opportunity for new licensed locations.
- Creates a City Medical Marijuana Testing Facility license type (maximum of three), allowing Medical Marijuana Testing Facilities to be located in appropriately zoned locations in Colorado Springs (MMJ only, no RMJ Testing).
Modification of Premises and Transfer of Ownership applications for all MMJ types are still accepted/allowed pursuant to current MED and City MMJ Code and Rules.
As a reminder, the City of Colorado Springs prohibits any Retail/Recreational Marijuana Establishments (Ordinance 13-47).
Please contact the City Clerk’s Office for more information regarding Medical Marijuana Business Licensing, including Modification of Premises, Changes of Ownership, Change of Location, renewals, or more information regarding Marijuana Testing Facility licensing at or 719-385-5106.
Regulated Marijuana Licensing
Forms of Payment accepted
Only licensee company checks, personal checks from a principal of the licensee, certified checks, or money orders payable to City of Colorado Springs will be accepted. The City does not accept cash for MMJ fees transactions.
Application Packets
Application Type | Packet Contents |
Regulated Marijuana Business Fee Schedule (effective 02/01/2025) |
Add RMJ License to existing MMJ Licensed Location (effective 02/10/2025) |
New/Transfer Medical Marijuana Licenses (revised 01/2022) |
Medical Marijuana Change of Location (revised 12/23/2019) |
Medical Marijuana Change of Ownership Structure (revised 12/23/2019) |
Medical Marijuana Change of Registered Manager (revised 12/23/2019) |
Medical Marijuana Report of Changes (revised 12/23/2019) |
Medical Marijuana Renewal Application (revised 11/18/2019) |
Medical Marijuana License Surrender (revised 10/01/2018) |
Medical Marijuana Application Withdrawal (revised 10/01/2018) |
To review the City Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Business License Code, review Chapter 2, Article 2, Part 1 of the City Code.
To review the City General Business License Code, review Chapter 2, Article 1, Part 1 of the City Code.
City Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Rules and Regulations (effective 7/24/2017)
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