The City of Colorado Springs re-ceived $5.1 million in HUD funding for our 2023 program year. The Community Development Division also expects to receive between
$800,000 to $1,000,000 in program income this year.
Program income from financing housing projects helps provide returns for sustainable funding.
Funding Priorities
- Create affordable housing
- Homeless support services
- Nonprofit assistance
- Neighborhood facilities
- Catalytic projects
Local Incentives
In 2022, the City launched a Development Fee Rebate Program in partnership with Colorado Springs Utilities and with support from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.
Affordable housing developers can receive up to 100% of local fees back depending on rents, services, sustainability and accessibility features they offer.
Investing in what works
The City’s Community Development Division and Public Works Department continues its partnership with local shelters through WorkCOS, a program connecting shelter guests to housing and stable employment with the City of Colorado Springs.
Participants join a work crew with highly supportive crew leads while receiving case management to reduce the chances of re-experiencing homelessness.

$11.7 MILLION in public and private funding leveraged in PY2021*
*CDBG and ESG only
(Far Left) CDBG Public Facilities funds helped build a clinic in an underserved downtown neighborhood.
(Left) HOME funds got this permanent supportive housing project for families exiting homelessness through the finish line.
(Right) HOME funds help first-time homebuyers purchase Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity homes in east Colorado Springs.
(Far Right) Mountain Metro leveraged CDBG funds to make 18 bus stops fully accessible.