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The Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) is proud to announce the opening of its CSPD Property Return Office, which provides improved service and enhanced accessibility to our community members. The unveiling of this renovated facility marks a significant step forward in streamlining the process of property return, ensuring privacy for sensitive cases, and increasing convenience for those seeking their belongings.

In the past, community members seeking to recover their property faced challenges with multiple check-ins at the Police Operations Center (POC), leading to increased congestion in the lobby area and a minimal privacy.

The renovated facility boasts several positive improvements that benefit the community. These include a dedicated space to recover items that reduces the time community members spend at their appointment recovering items, expanded return days and hours, and enhanced privacy for sensitive cases.

Each month, the CSPD returns property to 300 – 500 people. This new facility stands as a testament to our commitment to continuously improve our service to our community.

CSPD Property Return Office

Located at: 224 E. Rio Grande St., Colorado Springs, CO. 80903
Open: Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Contact/Appointments: 719-444-7744 or on our website

**Appointments are required to verify items can be released (if originally evidence in a court case) and to ensure they are transferred to the return office.

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