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A new mapping tool on the City’s website will track voter turnout during the 2023 General Municipal Election. Citizens will be able to look at turnout percentages by each council district, or by each voting precinct.  Data will be updated each evening. Voters received ballots in the mail this week and must return them by April 4 at 7 p.m. The turnout tracker is on the city’s website at

“This new interactive mapping tool shows our local voter turnout in a simple way and provides even more transparency during the election process,” said City Clerk Sarah Johnson. 

Elected positions on the April ballot include Mayor, three at-large City Council seats for a four-year team, and the unexpired term for City Council District 3 to serve the remaining two years of the term. City Council referred a question to the ballot to extend the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOPS) sales and use tax for 20 years with no increase to the tax. Each voters’ ballot will contain the Mayor and City Council at-large races along with the ballot question. Only those voters who reside in City Council District 3 will see this race on their ballots. 

One candidate in the mayoral race must receive more than 50% of the vote to win the election on April 4. If that does not happen, City Charter dictates a run-off election on May 16 between the two candidates who received the most votes on April 4. 

If voters did not receive a ballot or have questions about the election, they are asked to contact the City Clerk’s office at 719-385-5901 or visit

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