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What are the different ways a City can grow? That is the key question that a panel of experts will tackle at a free event open to the public on Wednesday, August 28 at 6-8 p.m. at the Hybl Sports Medicine and Performance Center (4925 N. Nevada Ave.). Hosted by the City of Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Utilities, the panel will discuss and help share insights into what cities should consider when looking at growth and annexations, including economic development, infrastructure, state and local trends, environmental impact, and quality of life. 

The public can register to attend the event either in person or watch it live online at ColoradoSprings.Gov/AnnexCOS

“This event is an exciting opportunity to bring together an expert panel of speakers from around the state as we as a community continue to discuss what growth in the Colorado Springs region should look like,” said Katie Carleo, acting assistant planning director for the City of Colorado Springs. “We encourage residents to attend and listen to what lessons we can learn from other communities, and what unique experiences and challenges Colorado Springs should be prepared to address.” 

The panel of speakers will include the Executive Director of the Common Sense Institute Kelly Caulfield, a demographer for the State of Colorado Nancy Gedeon, Colorado Water Conservation Board Section Chief Russ Sands, Vice President of TischlerBise Julie Herlands, and Principal Architect and Founder of TDG Architecture Mark Tremmel. The event will include a Q&A session. 

This speaker panel has been organized as part of AnnexCOS, the City of Colorado Springs plan to fully evaluate the City’s approach to annexations for more fiscally sustainable and resilient land use. The City will host future public engagement opportunities to specifically address AnnexCOS in the coming months.

In accordance with the ADA and Title VI, anyone requiring an accommodation or languages services to participate in this program should make the request as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event to or call 719-726-1421, or Dial 711 for Relay Colorado.

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