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On Oct. 4, 2022, Councilmember Stephannie Fortune announced to colleagues, the Mayor, City administration, City staff, and constituents that she has a health condition. Today she offers an update to the public.

“Cancer is never an easy word to reconcile with and this time is no exception,” said Fortune. “Kent and I learned in recent months that I have leukemia, and the cure is treatment and a bone marrow transplant, a very intensive process. The outpouring of support has been incredible, and truly is what sustains us along with our strong faith.

I came to City Council full of excitement, with a drive to serve, and my love for the city and its people as my foundation. I discovered a rich environment to work with the constituents of District 3 and to have a strong voice together, influencing outcomes. It will be an experience I will always treasure.”

Councilmember Fortune intends to complete her term on Council but is not planning to seek re-election as she focuses on her health. She is in constant consultation with her husband, Kent, Council Leadership, City Administration, and her doctors to ensure her ability to fulfill her term and honor her commitment to the people she represents. If at any time, she feels she is not able to do that, she will have that discussion and determine next steps.

“Councilmember Fortune is a dedicated public servant who serves our community with grace, dignity and enthusiasm for Colorado Springs and the people who call it home,” said Mayor John Suthers. “Our thoughts and prayers are with Stephannie and her family as she continues to work through this challenging time. We are grateful for her determination to continue and appreciate her transparency and commitment to keeping us and the community apprised of her condition.”

Contact Alex Ryden, City Council Public Communications Specialist, for all media inquiries and he will coordinate with Councilmember Fortune as her treatment schedule allows.

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