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In early 2020, the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) proactively partnered with Transparency Matters, LLC to conduct an independent and comprehensive assessment of the department's use of force. As part of a holistic approach to understanding use of force activities, the CSPD additionally contracted the Transparency Matters research team to develop and independently analyze a survey of community members.

There are multiple ways for community members to participate in the survey. Various physical copies have been distributed to community groups and locations throughout the city. Community members can also:

  1. Complete the survey online
  2. Fill out a physical copy at a local substation
  3. Para completar este sondeo en Español, haga un clic en este enlace y elija Español en el menú situado en la esquina derecho

Surveys will be accepted from May 27 – June 25.

To learn more about the CSPD’s partnership with Transparency Matters, LLC., please see our previous press release sent in January 2021.

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