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There are lots of opportunities to volunteer with the City of Colorado Springs!

Boards and Commissions

You can help make the city of Colorado Springs a better place to live, work and play by serving on one of the nearly fifty boards, commissions and committees. 

View Boards and Commissions

Neighborhood Services

The neighborhood cleanup program focuses on bringing neighbors together to spruce up the neighborhood. It's a free program and only requires neighbors to volunteer and invest their time to organize and help with the cleanup.

View Neighborhood Services

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department offers a wide variety of volunteer services throughout the community.  You can help us keep our City's park and trails clean, or find a program, event, or partner organization where you can make a difference. 

View Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

Public Safety

The CAPS Program is an exciting community-wide effort that engages volunteers [18 & up] in a public safety partnership with the City’s Police and Fire Departments and the Office of Emergency Management.

View the CAPS Program

Protect Our Waterways

Adopt-a-Waterway, Creek Week, Trash Mobs and the Storm Drain Marking Program are just a few ways you can help protect our waterways. It's easy, fun and you can bring a friend! 

View Stormwater

COS Airport Ambassador Volunteer Program

COS Airport Ambassadors act as good-will representatives, by providing courteous, friendly assistance to COS travelers. The assistance volunteers offer is informational - Ambassadors inform, guide and direct. They also have the opportunity to participate in special projects and events that take place at the airport throughout the year.

View Airport Ambassador Program