2024 Strategic Doing Framework
The City of Colorado Springs, under Mayor Yemi’s leadership, has developed a 2024 Strategic Doing Framework. This document is informed by community input through Listening Tours and Solutions Team recommendations. It also includes input from City staff and City Councilmembers. This Framework does not represent every action the City will take in 2024. It represents what the community asked its municipal government to prioritize in the near term.
This framework will help inform the City’s long-term strategic plan, which is actively being developed and will be published in the summer of 2024. As part of the Strategic Plan implementation, annual Strategic Doing Frameworks will be a key deliverable from Mayor Yemi’s Administration. The purpose is to move ideas and plans into action-oriented collaborations that result in measurable outcomes.
The intent of this Framework is to set ambitious goals, to be transparent about the work the City is doing on the community’s behalf, and to hold the Administration accountable to deliver measurable outcomes around each strategic priority. The five strategic priorities are:
- Public Safety
- Infrastructure
- Housing Solutions
- Economic Vitality
- Community Activation
In each of these priorities, the City has set “SMART” goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. There are a total of 20 initiatives in the 2024 Strategic Doing Framework that will be supported by cross-departmental teams and detailed workplans around each initiative. Each workplan will provide specificity around team members, partners, action items and tactics, as well as key performance indicators. The City will report this information to the community through online dashboards and regular communication.
The 2024 Strategic Doing Framework is purposefully bold and ambitious. As such, the Administration recognizes it may not achieve full success in each of the action items listed. What’s most important is being transparent about the successes and challenges associated with each goal and moving the City forward around the strategic priorities with measurable outcomes.
Strategic Priorities & Objectives
Public Safety
Public Safety
Colorado Springs is striving to become one of the safest, most prepared, and resilient cities in the nation.
Enhance public safety by increasing community support, funding, innovative programming, and staffing to the City’s first responders.
1. Expand community and behavioral health public safety programs
- Explore funding opportunities for additional community and behavioral health programs. COMPLETE
- Explore alternative modes of service delivery to the community. COMPLETE
- Improve community engagement around a unified message. COMPLETE
2. Leverage and implement technology as a force multiplier to improve public safety efforts
In Progress
- In the spirit of transparency, expand open data and dashboarding efforts around public safety.
- Implement speed safety technology and deploy resources to assist with traffic and pedestrian safety.
3. Establish an action plan to improve community public safety through employee retention and recruitment
In Progress
- Prioritize morale improvement among first responders. COMPLETE
- Hire additional police officers through continuous police academies.
- COMPLETE: Continuous hiring has been implemented. Police academies start every 18 weeks.
- Determine the location and prepare preliminary designs for the CSPD Training Academy.
4. Expand community outreach and engagement efforts
- Execute a regional public awareness campaign around wildfire safety. COMPLETE
- Improve community engagement strategies by partnering with community leaders and focusing on positive engagement. COMPLETE
5. Identify funding for two additional fire stations
- Identify funding for two additional fire stations COMPLETE
Performance Metrics
Increase number of total first responders; measurable expansion of community and behavioral health programs or services; community engagement metrics; improve public safety response times.
The City is striving toward a future where community members understand and appreciate the City’s infrastructure and how it enhances the quality of their lives, while making the best use of taxpayer dollars.
As Colorado Springs continues to grow both in population and geography, the City must prepare and invest in core public infrastructure to meet the demands of the future, while improving the overall condition of existing assets.
1. Explore and implement “Smart Growth” policies
In Progress
- Work with City Council to develop, complete and approve annexation master plan (AnnexCOS).
- Develop and implement guidelines for annexation review.
- COMPLETE: Worked with City Council and other City agencies to implement updated guidelines for review of annexations. Policy approved by City Council.
- Implement land use policies that support infill, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse of properties within existing developed areas of the City.
2. Reform the Lodger’s and Automobile Rental Tax (LART)
In Progress
- Launch LART Solutions Team and stakeholder engagement in partnership with City Council.
3. Enhance and expand mass transit and multi-modal transportation options
In Progress
- Continue to aggressively pursue State and Federal grant opportunities.
- COMPLETE: Mountain Metro Transit has submitted several state and federal grant applications for hybrid vehicles to replace unleaded fuel vehicles for ADA Complementary Paratransit and Metro Rides Vanpool; ADA accessible vehicle replacements for ADA Complementary Paratransit; and a CDOT Office of Innovation and Mobility grant.
- Develop plan to fund replacement vehicles and continue zero emission fleet diversification pilot integrations.
- Explore the enhancement and expansion of efficient bus routes.
4. Preserve, enhance, and upgrade aging City facilities
In Progress
- Begin implementing the City Facilities Master Plan.
- Evaluate and implement City Auditorium Solutions Team recommendations. COMPLETE
5. Pursue funding to support roadway and park improvements and maintenance
- Work with City Council to ensure 2C is on the ballot for November 2024. COMPLETE
- Produce public facing reports on capital transportation projects.
- COMPLETE: View Reports
- Explore additional funding options for critical park maintenance.
- COMPLETE: The Parks Department has identified critical park infrastructure that will be included on the list for the 2C ballot initiative, pursued over $1M in private philanthropic support for Pioneers Museuem exhibit and program space, pursued grant funding to complete the Duck Lake restoration project in Monument Valley Park, and submitted a grant application for $1.7 M in wildland fire mitigation in Garden of the Gods Park.
6. Initiate the activation of our waterways
- Leverage grants and private partnership opportunities to fund CreekCOS vision. COMPLETE
- Initiate inaugural CreekCOS project and solidify vision tenets. COMPLETE
- Explore and develop programmatic delivery approach for Water Resource Development Act (WRDA) funding considered by congress. COMPLETE
Performance Metrics
Improve infrastructure condition ratings; increase level of funding secured for public infrastructure; development of annexation guidelines.
Housing Solutions
Housing Solutions
Colorado Springs is striving to become an inspiring example of a city where everyone has the ability to choose housing that is right for them.
Implement policies and foster community partnerships to increase housing options for people in all seasons of their life and make housing more affordable and attainable.
1. Maximize and leverage regional partnerships to improve housing affordability
In Progress
- Partner with the Pikes Peak Housing Network and other regional stakeholders to establish attainable housing goals.
- Advocate for construction defect legislation reform by joining forces with legislators, advocates, and cities from across the state.
- COMPLETE: Mayor Yemi and the Colorado Springs City Council joined 28 Colorado Mayors in supporting the Right to Remedy Construction Defects Act. Although the bipartisan bill received overwhelming support in the Colorado Senate, it did not pass the House of Representatives in 2024.
- Engage with for-profit and nonprofit developers to maximize access to Proposition 123 funds.
- Support nonprofit efforts to expand housing opportunities for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our community. COMPLETE
2. Pursue innovative housing solutions
In Progress
- Showcase innovative building technologies, such as 3D printing or panelized construction.
- Adopt program guidelines to encourage and incentivize the development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
3. Stimulate the removal of barriers for affordable and attainable housing development
In Progress
- Partner with City Council to expand incentives and rebates to include missing-middle housing and single-family homeownership, targeting households up to 120% area median income (AMI).
- Explore incentive-based programs to include entry level and workforce housing in mixed income developments and newly annexed land.
Performance Metrics
Measurable increase in incentives and rebates; decrease the number of individuals experiencing homelessness; increase the number of policy actions to improve housing attainability.
Economic Vitality
Economic Vitality
Creating an environment where economic vitality is generated through a diverse business ecosystem, entrepreneurial activity, cultural and recreational amenities, tourism and events, quality education, community engagement, and fierce resident pride.
Support the growth of new and existing businesses by fostering a business-friendly environment, attracting and retaining talent to support businesses, and promoting quality of life through Olympic City USA branding and the region’s premier outdoor recreation.
1. Bolster collaboration and resources to ensure a premier business friendly environment that supports new and existing businesses in Colorado Springs
- Establish virtual “Business Navigator” program. COMPLETE
- Spotlight industry innovation ecosystems and opportunities. COMPLETE
- Broaden knowledge of licensing and sales tax processes to businesses through online tools and help-desk support. COMPLETE
- Increase number of business walks and visits to continue business education of City resources. COMPLETE
- Review and/or update business licensing, land use, and enforcement processes. COMPLETE
2. Advance future workforce needs with education, workforce partners, employers, and military
In Progress
- Build school district K-12 partnership to emphasize “workforce for tomorrow” jobs and training focused on key sectors in the Pikes Peak Region.
- Promote veteran programs as business recruitment tool. COMPLETE
- Support cybersecurity and space education to become a direct feeder to higher education and industry.
- Partner with trade industries to promote career opportunities.
3. Celebrate the economic diversity of Colorado Springs by reimagining the Olympic City USA brand as a quality of life and talent attraction tool
- Partner with the Chamber & EDC “Find your COS” program. COMPLETE
- Activate the Olympic City USA brand by connecting the city’s diverse economy through shared values. COMPLETE
4. Partner to promote our quality of life and outdoor recreation for talent attraction and retention
- Partner to promote our quality of life and outdoor recreation for talent attraction and retention. COMPLETE
Performance Metrics
Increase output from public-private partnerships; increase awareness of economic development incentives and programs; increase community-wide awareness of brand value.
Community Activation
Community Activation
Democracy is best served when residents engage in the decisions that affect their neighborhoods.
Enhance the City’s work through community partnerships and engagement with a focus on mental health.
1. Advance the City’s Mental Health Initiative
- Establish collaborative partnerships and plans that increase access to mental health resources. COMPLETE
- Establish a region-wide Mental Health campaign to raise awareness about current Mental Health Providers and resources. COMPLETE
- Collaborate with local and national mental health organizations to promote and provide workshops, programs, and tools for mental health. COMPLETE
- Promote ways that residents can volunteer throughout the community as a key strategy in Mental Health wellness and community connectedness. COMPLETE
- Develop partnerships with businesses to encourage employee wellness. COMPLETE
- Implement the '1,000 Neighborhood Parties' Initiative to overcome isolation by connecting neighbors through neighborhood gatherings. COMPLETE
2. Leverage and implement technology to engage residents and improve quality of life
In Progress
- Reboot the City’s “smart city” program. COMPLETE
- Expand digital engagement tools to connect, share information, and access services across the community.
Performance Metrics
Number of neighborhood parties in 2024; measurable increase in number of volunteer efforts; number of initiatives launched through the City’s Mental Health Initiative.